I´ve neversuggestedlivingfarfromwhereyouwork, I havealways advocatedagainstit. Butmyjob, isdifferent, I´m thousandsof miles awayfrommyhome, thousandsof miles awayfrommysafetyzone. I travelatleast a fewhours a dayinourtrucktoourplaceofwork, but I enjoyit. Yousee, weworkfarupinthemountains, awayfrom moderncivilization, awayfromitall. Uphere, we are different, we are peopleoftheworld, alltryingthehelpeachotherinthebest waywe can.
Ascendis more thananorganizationto me, more thansomeaverageNGO orhumanitarianorganization. Ascendiswhat I eat, sleep, anddream about. It´s what I do, itismyliferightnow, andhonestly, I wouldn’t haveitanyotherway. We are doingmanythingsthroughout theworldtohelpthoseinneed, butherein Ecuador wehaveseveral projectsthat are underwaythat are helpingempowerthoseinneed so they can Ascendoutofpoverty. Thefirst, andthemost material, isthat we are remolding a bathroomattheschoolforthechildren, youshould haveseentheconditionitwasitwhenwefirststarted.
Thebeforepicture, can you imagine ifthebathroomatyourchild's schoollookedlikethis?
Thesecondisthat I havebegunmyEnglishlessonstothoseteenagers andadultsthathavethedesiretolearn. I can attest, these individualshave more passionthan I´ve everseentolearnsomething thatthey don´t calltheirown. Education, as weallknow, isthemost importantthinginlife, especiallyifyouwanttogosomewhere higherthanwhereyou are now. As thedayspassEnglishbecomes more and more importantfortheseindividuals, becausetheyknow, withonly anotherlanguage, they can empowerthemselves.
Myperspectivehereisdifferent, itis a bit ofwhat I expected, but a bit more roughthan I hadoriginallythought. Weworkharddayin anddayoutandweknowthattheworkwe are doingis helpingtheseindividualsbettertheirlives. Somemaydisagreewith what I´m doing, but I do not. I seethis as a lifechanging experience, and I know I will grow up here, if at least on a little.
The Ecuador Crew.
As fornow, I leavewithyouwhat I haveseen and the experiences I´ve had. I knowthatif you´re readingthisyouhaveatleast a little bit ofpassiontowardsthe workwe are doing, andtrust me, I can showyouhowamazingmyhelp andyoursishere. There are more experiencesto be hadand more peopletohelp, so fornow, I leaveyouwiththis. Thankyou.
Well, I’ve had my first week here in Ecuador and I’ve seen some crazy things. I´ve been inspired with hope and reason. I´m not sure if I can change the world, but I can at least try. Today was a special day. While we were in the community helping the poor I found myself surrounded by children. I had a reason, a way, and I was bound to teach them something, and I did. Being the crazy person I am, I decided to tell them that I could fly, and with an example, they soon also wanted to fly, so I taught them. As we jumped off of our dirt mound time and time again we shared laughs, and I thought, is this how I ascend? Is this how we ascend? I hope so. .
Flying, in this sense, is a metaphor. Realistically, my goal here is to empower those in need to save their children and ascend out of poverty (empoderar a los mas necesitados salvar a sus niƱos y salir de la pobreza).
Its not really about me, its more about Ascend. More so about the work we are doing. For example we are almost finished with a remodeling project of a bathroom for the kids at the school. There's a lot more we can do, but for now, we're doing the best we can. I hope that with time we can make a change in these peoples lives. I know we probably have, but there is always more help that is needed.
Anyways, Ill keep it brief, I have work to do, people to help, a world to change.
We are volunteers for ASCEND, a Humanitarian Alliance, serving in Ecuador. Some of us are here on expeditions, lasting a couple weeks, and others are interning here, lasting anywhere from two to six months. We hope you enjoying reading about our experiences and adventures, while we assist in empowering those in need to save their children and ASCEND out of poverty.